Popular School of Genders
We seek to consolidate the political and social participation of people from the LGBTTINB+ community, activists, artivists and public policy decision-makers for real advocacy on government actions.
We put forward an approach with a gender and human rights perspective from a grassroots and intersectional perspective.

We sow this program with the strength of feminist and transfeminist pedagogies to create critical thinking, make space for other ways to listen and debate, and other political creations. In this way, we strengthen our popular networks, our organizations’ territorial work and initiatives to reach that horizon of more social and gender justice that we deserve.
Issues We Work on in the School
History and Activism(s) of the LGBTTINB+ Movement
Integral Sex Education (ESI) in Argentina
Building of Leaderships and Activisms
Communications and Artivisms
1st edition
Our first experience was carried out in coordination with the Casa Brandon Civil and Cultural Association during the first semester of 2021, with support from the “Macachas y Remedios” Popular Gender and Diversity Popular Schools Program of the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity. This version was centered on the integral training of LGBTTINB+ activists.
2nd edition
This version was also carried out in collaboration with the Casa Brandon Civil and Cultural Association, this time during the second semester of 2021, in the context of the regional #Esigualdad campaign in favor of ESI, focusing on training participants in Integral Sex Education activism, 15 years after the passing of the ESI law.