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Culture and Knowledge

At the Mocha Celis, we ensure that people of the TTNB community are no longer objects of study and become producers of knowledge and meaning. That is, their own interpretation of the world through popular and collective production.

Learn about all of our community’s cultural initiatives and production of knowledge:


Con Nombre Propio

The Revolution of the Butterflies

Travar el Saber (“Trans-form Knowledge”)

MOCHA - The Documentary

El Teje Poético

Mocha Celis Comic Book

Interview Lohana Berkins

Lohana Berkins was an Argentine travesti activist who died in 2015. We talked with her, along with students from the Mocha Celis Popular High School, in the context of the “Research Methodology” class and the production of the MOCHA documentary.


"Jauría" [Pack of Dogs]

Viviana González
Graduate of the Mocha Celis Travesti-Trans Popular High School
Member of the Mocha Celis Civil Association
Former President of the Student Union and Ttravesti-Trans Activist

"Tranny Momma"

Alma Fernandez
Travesti Activist

Mocha Fest

The Mocha Fests are artistic events to raise funds and support students’ economic initiatives, make TTNB artists visible and celebrate diversity.


This photo exhibit proposes getting to know TTNB people through their portraits and first-person stories. It is part of a research-action project that includes the exploration of portraits as an exercise in the transfer of power, and uses photography for TTNB people to show their life trajectories from their own perspective.