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Popular High School

El Bachillerato Popular Travesti, Trans y No Binarie Mocha Celis es una escuela secundaria que tiene como misión integrar a las personas travestis, trans y no binarias en la educación formal to co-create a new world free from the structural barriers that the TTNB community faces today.

This was the first trans school in the world: today it is a reference point that has inspired the creation of similar programs in more than 15 Argentine provinces and in Latin American and Caribbean countries such as Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Paraguay.

Each year since 2014, a cohort has received their diploma in Community Development, which allows them to continue their studies at any Argentine university. The school collaborates with the rest of our programs, to achieve the social and job integration of our graduates, many of whom are working in government offices and private companies.

The students call the Mocha “the tenderness school” because it provides a place of support, care and love.

The School is Inclusive

We also have students from other communities, such as people who are afrodescendents, indigenous, disabled, migrants and single mothers.

Accompaniment for Each Student

We offer integral accompaniment for concerns related to health, housing, legal issues, academic support, etc. This ensures each student’s quality of life and ability to sustain their studies.

Our Graduates Continue Their Education

The school has signed agreements with the following universities to guarantee their respect for education with a gender perspective.

  • Superior Teacher Training Institute “Dr. Joaquín V. González”
  • University of Avellaneda (UNDAV)
  • Popular University of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (UPMPM)
  • University of Quilmes (UNQUI)
  • University of La Matanza (UNLaM)
  • University of La Plata (UNLP)
  • National University of the Arts (UNA)
  • University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
  • University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • University of San Martín (UNSAM)
  • University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP)
  • University of General Sarmiento (UNGS)